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The Kentucky Psychological Association provides helpful information including their Psychological Services Locator.
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Statement on racial trauma:
The Kentucky Psychological Association (KPA) strongly condemns the brutal acts of violence by police against African Americans and the racism underlying them. We are grieved by the most recent killings we have witnessed and understand the trauma that repeated incidents of these killings have on all of us, particularly members of the Black community. As psychologists, we are well aware of the long-lasting effects of racial trauma, including post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, and despair created by daily and systemic racism. We recognize the long, indelible history of racism in our country; and we, as psychologists, affirm the dignity, humanity, and importance of the psychological well-being of Black members of our community.
We ask our KPA members to commit to anti-racist action. As psychologists, we must press for change and take active steps toward healing generational racial trauma. We encourage direct, honest dialogue with governmental and community stakeholders with the goal of implementing meaningful reforms in our organizations and institutions to fully support our communities. As professionals, these traumas create multiple layers of additional work and emotional labor for our Black colleagues. We must all share in the work that needs to be done. We encourage our members to educate ourselves on racial trauma and strategies for helping to heal those impacted. KPA will support all Kentucky psychologists to advocate for solutions that will advance the health and well-being of individuals, families, and communities.
The Kentucky Psychological Foundation, the educational arm of KPA, will be providing ongoing public education on racial trauma and a resource list for anyone seeking help or information. This effort is directly tied to our mission: to build a psychologically healthy Kentucky through psychological science, social engagement, integrity, care and compassion, health and well-being in the whole population, equity and inclusiveness, human dignity and the inherent worth of all.