Kentucky Psychological Association's Undergraduate Student Mentorship Program

Sponsored by the Kentucky Psychological Foundation
In the Spring of 2021, we launched the first-ever KPA/KPF student mentorship program to connect graduate students with talented undergraduate psychology majors throughout Kentucky to increase and diversify the workforce of future psychological practitioners and researchers. The mentorship program aims to provide support and networking opportunities to undergraduate students through the application process and beyond. To date, we’ve had over 140 mentor relationships formed with psychology students across the state of Kentucky!
Any undergraduate psychology major (or related major such as social science) who is interested in future graduate education is eligible to apply to be a part of the program. There is no cost for this program.
Our goal is to recruit psychology majors from all Kentucky colleges with a special focus on including diverse, underrepresented, and first-generation students who are interested in applying to graduate school.
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to KPAMentor@gmail.com.